10 fleets of trucks, each with 7142 or 7143 editions were being available on 'Hic et Nunc' s NFTs platform. Each truck had a capacity for 14 virtual protestors. (Protest equipments were not included but available here: https://www.lenieblue.com/projects).
The fleets of trucks were 'sold' for 0 or 0,000001 tezos, the lowest price allowed on the platform.
The fourth fleet was offered as a donation in support of sternly repressed front liners and protestors against the neoliberalist and anti-democratic government in Colombia in May 2021.
But in Monday the 28th of June, the 'Hic et Nunc' s community agreed to concede that the platform was hacked and all objkts have become uncollectable.
The goal of 10 fleets of trucks (each one over 7143 till 9900 editions with 14 seats into each truck), so 'ONE MILLION PROTEST CITIZENS, baby!' had not been reached.
* Update 2022: the project is viewable on NFT platforms:
- objkt.com ('Hic et Nunc' collection)
Fleet 1: 7143 trucks that can accommodate 100.002 protestors.
3 humans got 7143 trucks.
Fleet 2: 7143 trucks that can accommodate 100.002 protestors.
6 humans got 7143 trucks.
Fleet 3: 7143 trucks that can accommodate 100.002 protestors.
3 humans got 7143 trucks. One of them burned.
Fleet 4: 500 trucks that can accommodate 7000 protestors.
500 trucks were offered as a donation in support of sternly repressed front liners and protestors against the neoliberalist and anti-democrtatic government in Colombia in May 2021. (SOSCOLOMBIA)
6 humans bought 6 trucks at the price set by SOSCOLOMBIA.
Afterwards, the other 494 ones were hacked, uncollectable, not used as intended and finally burned.
(On Objkt.com: 1st link or 2nd link).
(On TEIA: 1st link or 2nd link)..
Fleet 5: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
1 human got 1 truck. The other 9899 ones were hacked, uncollectable and unfit for their uses.
Fleet 6: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
1 human got 1 truck. The other 9899 ones were hacked, uncollectable and unfit for their uses.
Fleet 7: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
1 truck was burned without my knowledge. All of the 9899 trucks were hacked, not used as intended and offered for sale for a higher price.
Fleet 8: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
Not minted.
Fleet 9: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
Not minted.
Fleet 10: 9900 trucks that can accommodate 138.600 protestors.
Not minted.
('Hic et Nunc' archive screenshots)